Colossians 1:13-14

For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

And so we begin.

Well, I guess I failed at the whole blogging thing over the summer, haha. But everyone needs a break once in a while right? I am fully prepared, however, to make full use of this blog this year.

I have officially started school once again. I moved back on campus last Saturday, the 28th. I changed dorms; I am no longer in heritage, the converted nursing home, but now I am in Manor, the original dorms of the school. Believe me, it was a little shocking when I first walked into my room; it is waayyy smaller than what I was used to last  year. I'll be honest, I questioned living here, and I questioned God's purpose. I found out that all my friends from last year were living down at heritage; I was the only one up here at Manor. I didn't choose this; the school did. So why did I have to be the one in a smaller room away from all my friends? But as God has worked in my heart, and as the week has progressed, I realize that God is so much bigger than my thoughts and His ways truly are better than anything I could cook up. There are quite a few blessings to living up on Manor, and after a little while, the smallness doesn't really matter anymore. Plus, I just get the fun lesson of learning to live with less :-).

Classes are going. First week of school is always the hardest just because every student experiences what I like to call "Syllabus Overload." It's the condition where students look at their syllubi and start crying because they can't absorb all the information. I found myself saying over and over again this week, "If I can just get caught up today....well, maybe if I can just get caught up with reading tomorrow." Haha, it's only the first week and already I'm feeling behind! Oh well, that's just the nature of the first week of school. It really has been great, though, to reconnect with everyone here at PBU, as well as get connected once again with all the activities and organizations.

One other thing that I am really excited about is getting plugged in at Chelten, my church here at school. I am actually writing this blog in the time I have left before leaving for church. Last Sunday when I went to Chelten, it was such an amazing experience. I was so refreshed and encouraged to be worshiping with my fellow believers in Christ. I am really hoping to work towards getting plugged in to a Sunday School class or a small group or something like that so that I can start building relationships and serving there at Chelten.

Well, I guess that is the shortened version of the catch up of my life. I have really been praying a lot about using this blog, not for my own personal use or for writing about myself, but for putting up posts that encourage you, the reader. I greatly desire, this semester, to allow God to use whatever resources in my life He wants, and one thing He has really been laying on my heart is to start gearing this blog more towards encouraging my friends and family rather than just talking about myself all the time. So, you can all look forward in anticipation for the culmination of that desire. I don't know what it is going to look like just yet, but God knows, and He will be showing me what He wants posted here. Any comments or suggestions are welcome!

Thank you all for your prayers and support. I know how greatly I am loved and surrounded by a wonderful group of godly people!

Friday, April 2, 2010

It's Been Awhile: Take 2

So apparently the act of going back to school and the first week of homework and seeing friends all over again just consumed my life! Sorry for not posting sooner, a lot has happened. I will just try to highlight what has gone on since I last posted.

Rooming situations have been worked out: I will be rooming with Alex again next semester, and my good friends Julie and Carol will be rooming together. Hopefully we can get rooms in the same wing, but we won't know that until next week or so when we start signing up for rooms. As far as the financial situation is concerned right now, we are taking steps to finish taxes and get the FASFA done. That is top priority at the moment; once we can get that information in, we will know what kinds of loans we need to look at for next year. Once the FASFA is done, I can also go to the financial aid office and see if there is anything else they can do. Also, just recently I was talking to my academic adviser, and he suggested possibly switching my program, not my major, but my program. I would switch from the five-year master's program to the four year bachelors program but graduate at least 1 semester early if not a full year. Then I would move to Langhorne, find a job in a social work setting, and re-enter the master's program. I would only be out of school for 6 months, if that, but by graduating early and getting a job I would save thousands of dollars and would not have to take out as many loans for my master's degree because I would be working. It is a lot to think about. I haven't exactly crunched the numbers, though I am working towards that. As soon as I have made a decision, I will let you all know!

Also since I last posted, ALEX CAME HOME!!!!!!! She actually got back last Sunday. It is very wonderful to have her back. Unfortunately, she was sick both weeks she was in Africa, and she continued to stay sick when she got back. She went to the doctor's and he said it is just a virus. But, personally, she has the symptoms of malaria. So, if she stays sick for another week, she will be going back to the doctor's. Wednesday was an awful day for her, but by Thursday she was feeling much better. Her significant other is taking her on a surprise trip today, he is actually taking her to the beach, and I am sure I will hear all about it later tonight. It is good to have her home. I had forgotten how goofy she is and how much fun we have when we are together.

So I guess that covers all the major happenings in my life over the past two weeks. God continues to be faithful in my life. There is never a day that I do not see His hand whether it is in a lesson that touches me, or a friend who comes and gives me a hug, or a random person who comes up and tells me that they have been thinking of me. I, we, serve such a great and mighty God. There is so much to praise Him for!!!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's Been Awhile...

Despite the fact that I have been home on break all week, I haven't written in awhile. So sorry, for all of those who were left hanging with my last post about housing and finances. My mom and I sat down and crunched the numbers on Tuesday night. It turns out that it would only save me $1,000 a year if I lived off campus. So, considering the headache it would be to actually convince the school that I should live off campus, we decided it wasn't worth moving off campus for the next two semesters. I'll be honest, I am a bit disappointed. It was exciting to think that I could be truly "on my own". But, at the same time, it was a pretty definite "no". I remember going into the whole situation just praying that God would give me wisdom and guidance to know what He would have me do for the next semester. Apparently there is something that I am to learn or do on campus. I am at peace about that, God is in control and He has said to stay on campus. So now comes the challenge of roommates and choosing rooms. Fun fun!

So now comes the next prayer request. I can't afford to attend PBU. I knew that before I went there. $30,000 a year is a lot of money; money I don't have. But when I applied last year, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God wanted me to attend PBU to get my masters in Christian Counseling. I was so sure that God would provide the money, whether during my years at school or afterward. But, I'll admit, my faith is wavering. The loans are stacking up; I got myself in some deep water by taking out a loan with a high interest rate, and different people have different opinions. I am trying my best to surround myself with people who will truly help me make wise decisions, but at the same time, I do have to make a lot of final decisions that are difficult. Some people say just to take out as many loans as I need and then gradually pay them off after school. Others say that if I can't afford the school, than I should not attend there. I thought I knew what God wanted, but now I question myself and what I am shooting for. It seems foolish to me, yet I do know that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and His plans often do look foolish to man. So I would ask, my friends and family, that you would pray for clarity. Pray that God will again show me what I ought to do, and that He will provide the resources to take the next step. I don't need, don't expect, the entire solution to be laid out before me (though that would be wonderful), but I do pray that God will give me what I need and the light to see to take my next step. And I do think He will do that for me. So keep me in your prayers, I want to do what God has called me to do; I just need to know what that is exactly :-)

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. It is a great comfort to me to know that so many people love and support me.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Home Again, Home Again, Jig-gidy Jig

I am home! It is good to be back in Delaware, though I must say, for all of you allergy sufferers, Delaware seems to exacerbate them. I never have a runny nose in PA! But, like I said, it is good to be home.

I have a prayer request. This week while I am home, I am going to be working very hard at compiling information and composing it into an argument as to why I should be allowed to live off campus next semester. You see, at PBU, you cannot live off campus unless you are 22 or are living with a family member. However, living on campus this past year, though has been a great experience, taught me many vital lessons, and has allowed me to build some wonderful friendships, has ultimately been something that I would rather not repeat. So, at the beginning of this semester, I began looking for housing off campus. Now, I am not planning on getting my own apartment, I definitely could not afford that, but there are families in the Langhorne area who, at times, rent out extra rooms or apartments to the PBU students. Just last week, I saw a poster for the most adorable apartment/room that a family is willing to rent for $500 a month, which is a manageable price for my life. I will be contacting the family this week to ask them if they might be willing to consider me as a renter. But, the big portion of the prayer request is that it is very rare for a student to get an exemption to live off campus if they are not 22 or living with family. I have many reasons for needing to live off campus: financial, emotional, spiritual, so this week I will be working towards respectfully, yet directly, laying out my case to present to the school. Only God can change their hearts and their minds and allow me to live off campus. I am in constant prayer about this situation, that God will work His will. And I will be honest with all of you, I don't know if living off campus is exactly what God wants for me. At this point, God has provided the possibility of a place, He has provided the means to be able to afford living off campus, He has given me the desire to live off campus, so now He will just have to provide the approval. And if the approval never comes, then I will take whatever the next step is and rest in the fact that I was not supposed to live off campus this upcoming semester.

But, if it comes to mind, just keep me, my family, and this situation in prayer. I know and trust that God is sovereign, and whatever happens, that is God's will for my life. Haha, though, I'll be honest, I would love to live off campus this year, so it is very tempting for me just to pray for that :-). Thank you so much for the prayers I know will be offered on account of this situation. I am very blessed to be surrounded by friends and family who love and support me. If and when things progress, I will give updates!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Break

It is official...spring break is here! It's amazing how God designed the body to handle stress. I thought I was doing great this week! I haven't been happier than I was this week in a while. Yet, as soon as I finished my last meeting at 4, it was as if my body was like "Ok, I don't actually have to keep trying for anything, so I'm just going to stop!" I got a headache, became extremely exhausted, and just have no desire to do anything, haha. Yes, spring break has come at last, and not a moment to late (or soon as the saying goes).

For those of you who are wondering, all the studying and exam taking went well. My math exam was overly difficult for an intro course, but hey, I hope I can pull a B out of it. I'm just glad to be done for a few days, that's all I have to say at this point. :-).

Well what now? I pray that this week will be an opportunity for me to rest: body, mind, and soul. I am not good at "self-care" as it is called in counseling. That is making the time to take care of myself so that I can be healthy to be able to minister to others. So over break I would love to do some intensive self-care. I'm not sure what that exactly looks like at this point. Maybe sleeping. Maybe some reading. Maybe spending time with my family or friends. Or maybe doing some serious heart searching and goal-orienting. Going into this semester, I had set pretty serious goals and boundaries, and now being half way into the semester, I need to go back and see how closely I have stuck to what I felt God was calling me to. Also, being in my counseling class, our professor asks many questions which I have not made time to actually answer. Questions like "How does your depression affect your relationship with God?" I'm not saying I am depressed, but I think it is healthy to go through and ask and answer these, and many other, questions posed in counseling class. So, I am really hoping that spring break can be a time where I can refocus my relationship with God and re-set my goals for the rest of the semester. And of course, I get to see and spend time with my family. What could be better?!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Alex is leaving :-(

In less than 24 hours my lovely roommate, Alex, is leaving for Africa for a two-week mission trip! I will greatly miss her. A whole week with the room just to myself (the other week I will be on spring break). Sniff, I may get lonely, actually I probably will, but I know that she has been called, and I do wish her the best. It should be lots of fun, and I can't wait to see the wonderful pictures I know she will take.

So on that note, we are going out for coffee/Dunkin Donuts one last time before she leaves!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

One midterm down...two to go

Well, this morning I got one of those frustrating things we call midterms done. Well, actually, my professor called it a quiz, but with the amount of information I had to know and the amount of time I put into it, I would most definitely consider it a midterm. So, two  more to go: math and theology, one right after another, on Friday. So the plan for today is: Chill for about an hour, practice voice for about an hour, Joy practice, then WAWA run! I feel like I'm living for the WAWA run at this point, haha.

On a more serious side, today I have been contemplating the depravity of humanity. Everywhere I look, I see the effects of the total depravity of human kind - even in my own life. I am totally depraved!!! I'll be honest, it's not every day that I think and admit that I depraved at heart. Usually I am too prideful to come to that conclusion. Yet, I see in my own life fear of man, pride, hate, laziness, and just a general apathy for everyone else and their problems. Then when I look around I see selfishness, judgment, gossip, hatred, slander, and the list could go on and on. I just talked to a girlfriend who has made a decision which, in the long run, is not healthy for her or the people around her. Yet, she is set in her decision, and nothing and no one will sway her. This is the depravity of the heart, and it saddens me. It saddens me to look around and see my friends and family, acquaintances and strangers, and finally myself acting in ways which hurt myself and others. It is very easy to become overwhelmed almost to despair. BUT, and here's the big but, I am reminded that even though I am completely depraved, it doesn't have to stay that way. I read the verse that is the heading of my blog. I have been saved and placed in God's kingdom. We all know that God cannot be in the presence of sin. So God made it possible for me to be without sin. I don't have to be innately depraved.Because of Christ's work on the cross, my sin nature becomes His and I am given His perfect record. The Bible tells me that, because I am saved by Christ, because He is my Savior and I have trusted Him in faith and repentance, I am no longer depraved. Also, because my innate nature is now perfect, I do not have to live in a depraved way! Yes, I am most definitely tempted to live like I am still a depraved person, but I have to the ability, the power, and the responsibility to live like my new nature - striving for perfection. What hope that truth  brings!